Yes, space and budget allowing, there would be a Longchamp, a Vallelunga and a GT5-S (sorry Peter, no Deaville — I'm too young!) in the garage but until that big lottery win (and the even bigger garage...) they will have to wait. Beside, I have my hands MORE than full.
Since getting the car I have been cleaning it up and going over everything. Fixing small things (not much) and getting to know the car thoroughly. Past experience has shown that doing this early is a key element of arriving at the destination with as few surprises as possible. So, up on the lift and wheels off.

Then wash of the last four+ years of road dirt and grime. Hmmm. doesn't look too bad for a 40 year-old car.

I was probably the most surprised when I pulled the splash shields and really went at cleaning up the wheel wells.

Nice components everywhere, and all tight and well installed.

The engine bay didn't need much more than a light dusting.

And while I might not have painted the ZF, it sure is a LOT easier to clean than the rough-cast aluminum in the other car.
Lots of shiny bits on the upper half and, judging from the thick stack of engine-parts invoices, inside as well.

Now I just need to finish a few more small things (horns, parking brakes etc.) and I will be really ready for some more nice weather!
