@panterapatt posted:Steve, I am still concerned you are putting too much pressure on the sealing surface at 20 psi. The design isn't purposed for that.
I agree but frankly can't answer that question about what pressure they will hold?
Certainly in a blown induction, they need to hold more, the entire pressure of the supercharger.
I've never built that configuration and have never heard it discussed before.
I'm learning here about it but this has to be a gasket material composition issue but in disassembly I'd be looking for cracked portions at the thinnest points to confirm.
Thinking about head gaskets, they are all now reinforced with some amount of sheet metal. I'm not old enough to swear that there was a point in which they were not?
I do remember the pure copper sheet head gaskets for the supercharged drag engines. It is softer but more compressible.