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Reply to "Doctors vs. Guns"


Larry these values were copied from some sort of religious organization and you being fortunate to live in a community as I DO that has adotped these values is great .. but a healthy amount of schools in the USA dont have this sort of school system. Where i live I pay 17k per year for taxes and they are asking us to by school supplies .. also just think the opposite end of the spectrum .. is the inner city schools in NYC when Gulianni was elected mayor .. he had to garnish the parents welfare based on the childs attendance. From these schools this leads us into the guns 13 year olds are carrying to school.

It isnt the legal guns we are worried about .. its the teenagers from Towns surrounding hard working americans ...who now think going across town to do a home invasion is a friday night out. The children in our district are not the kids weare worried about.

They cant even say the Pledge of Aligience any more in school ?
