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Elect Judy McCartney for POCA Secretary

I wholeheartedly support Judy McCartney for POCA Membership Director. Time and time again she has stepped in to help the club, in more ways than most of you know. In fact, I'm guessing for a lot of you, except for Jack DeRyke and Mike Drew, she is the face of POCA. It's true enough that she was ill earlier this year but she continued to perform her job. And, once again, she ran the registration desk at the Fun Rally in Houston greeting guests and welcoming them to the event, even acting as concierge after the event got started.

Most importantly, she is fully recovered and wants to continue representing you all on the Board. Because she is so well connected to all of you, she really does represent you all. She does her homework and makes well-reasoned decisions that the club needs more of.

Re-elect Judy; she's earned it.


Jeff Detrich
Secretary, POCA
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