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Reply to "Factory Document for #3562-4275 Sept 1972"

The stamp says
Provvisorio : Via J. Peri, 68
Definitivo : Via Exxxxxxx, 1250
41100 MODENA (Italia)

Row 3 is also illegible on the original document, but I would guess that George is correct based upon the known address for the factory.

Provvisorio can be translated as provisional and Difinitivo can be translated as final.

Over line 3 is Distinti Saluti which translates as distinct greetings and includes a signature or initials.

Interestingly, the seller also has an original GP4 homogenization document. I think I have seen a similar document online somewhere, but if anyone is interested in acquiring this document, I can forward your offer and arrange for the sale. PM me if interested.

Anyone have any theories about the S and red slashes after some vins?