I have to say I'm a full on Fast and Furious franchise fan. I love it. I know it's all hollywood and stuff but it's a franchise that's showcased a whole bunch of amazing cars be they classic (or modern) muscle cars, hyper rice burners or unique one off builds and everything in between. They've also taken the time to showcase not only the usual well known cars (the charger for one) but they've also gone to the lesser know and more unique and the Pantera is one car that's found some new interest because of it.
I can relate well to the Pantera and the Fast and Furious movies. Much like me they're not the highly refined, well known "run of the mill" performer but are edgy, do their job well and are in their own way very unique. They don't fit the mould - I'm sure many Pantera owners kind of relate there somewhere. Their cars are an amazing blend of European "refinement" and yet somehow hybridised brilliantly with American muscle and brute force - and at the end of the day they well and truly get the job done.
Denis - I'm still in the process of learning the exact history of this particular car. I've been told it has had a role in at least one of the Gone in 60 Seconds Movies as well as Fast 5 - and the paint layers suggest that this could have been the case. In between the black and the original metallic burnt orange there's a yellow layer which matches a Pantera in both the 1974 and 2000 Gone in 60 Seconds movies.
I do have a certificate of title that's come with the car from Universal Studios - hopefully someone there can shed some light on what if any role or roles this car has had so I can work out what I really do with it.
At the moment it is as the driver suggested in the GT40 forum - no working windows, no AC, in fact no electrical anything other than a bypassed ignition "switch" and starter motor, not even the radiator cooling fans are working. It's still got the stunt driver seatbelt eye bolts on the drivers side in place instead of the proper seat belt. The Limo tint is almost all removed (just the passenger side window to go) and it's got signs of having been fanged about in a desert with stone chips coming up through the paint on the back end of the front guards.
There's a lot to learn on this car and it's potential history - and hopefully it is what I was told it is and perhaps more because I do love the F&F movies - but if not then I've still got a stellar project car that will look and sound amazing and drive incredibly once I'm done with it
