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Ferrero steering wheel or fake?

Just bought this “Ferrero” steering wheel and hub from a guy in Italy

is it a fake/replica?.

12 1/2 inches in diameter, aluminum spokes and hub, pcd is 63mm, plastic wrapped,no stitching.

with a pcd of 63mm I find no hubs that work, all are 70 or 75mm

at this time I have the stock capri wheel on a 71 pb

therefore I plan to use the lower section of the stock column as I know it fits the splines and make a round plate to be welded to the top of the column.

this plate will be drilled and tapped for 63mm pcd bolt circle, to accept the wheel. Therefore no need of the Ferrero hub



Images (2)
  • IMG_0844
  • IMG_0843
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