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Fridays greeting & joke 8/11/06

Its Friday, we're entering another weekend. I wish each of you a relaxing, happy and safe weekend. Drive your Pantera if you can, and share your passion for your car with a stranger if the opportunity arises.

For your enjoyment, I submit the following.

A story about two Irish friends, Casey and Flanagan ....

Casey and Flanagan go on a holiday to Africa. They go out camping in the jungle. They are sleeping in their tent when Casey cries out in pain. Flanagan wakes up just in time to see a deadly, poisonous snake slithering out of the tent. "That snake bit me on my arse," cries Casey. "Hurry! run and call a doctor and ask him what we should do."

Flanagan springs from the tent and runs two miles through the jungle to a village where there is a short wave radio. He radios a doctor and tells him what happened. The doctor instructs Flanagan, "Listen carefully. You must go back to your friend and with a razor blade cut an X on the spot where the snake bit him and then suck out the venom. But do it quickly or your friend will die."

Flanagan runs two miles back through the jungle and arrives at the tent. Casey looks at him anxiously and says: "What did the doctor say?" Flanagan replies, "Ah Casey, the doctor said you're gonna die."

your friend on the DIC


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  • Snake_Indigo
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