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Galling of the throw out bearing receiver and carrier

IMG_7525IMG_7519IMG_7576Hey all I just thought I’d share some info on galling. I recently replaced my clutch and throw out bearing and literally 250 miles later I had an issue which I didn’t quite understand. Yes the parts were greased well on install, but this is what happened.

My symptoms of galling were difficulty depressing the clutch, and it felt “springy” and gave inconsistent disengagement of clutch. You may also feel normal clutch operation with a slight “thud” on occasion as you depress the clutch whilst the carrier and receiver break free of a slight galling episode so to speak. I changed the slave cylinder and bled the system prior to understanding what was going on to make sure those weren’t the issues in hopes of not having to remove the transmission again

Here was my deal…Make sure you check UNDER the receiver(the part that is actually mounted to your transmission)  prior to installing a new throw out bearing and carrier(which is the movable part). Takes no time at all to remove the three bolts and evaluate (or use a dental mirror😉). This has been discussed before on this forum, but I haven’t seen it as a thread topic so I hope this helps some .

Both the receiver and the carrier are to my knowledge now stainless steel, and the tolerances are quite high. This doesn’t allow grease to stay between them very well. I used a McLeod clutch from Pantera Performance. A Grease retention groove has been recommended to be cut into the carrier if you have the ability to do that. However, I have also heard it is not a problem with some people. This is by no means a dig on Pantera Performance for providing a throw out bearing and carrier without a grease retention groove. They said this type of problem is very rare, so I think my problem may have been strictly from putting brand new parts in with an unnoticed small amount of pre-existing galling on the inferior side of the receiver. I’m not 100% certain but that is my guess.🤷‍♂️…. Personally, I think the tolerances are too high between the receiver and carrier regardless

I was able to polish the galling on the receiver and carrier. In doing this, it lowered the tolerance between the two pieces to where I don’t think I will need a grease retention groove. I greased them up and put them back in and will report back if I have any problems in the future.

The clutch operation now is nothing short of amazing. Silky smooth and just like a modern car would be.

Having read this, just be aware of these symptoms starting early, that way you are able to polish your parts and not have to replace them.😉

Here are some pictures of what the galling looks like and after it has been removed☺️


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Last edited by USCDOC13
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