With my size 14W feet, in 30 years of owning my Pantera, I have never once attempted driving it with shoes on. As a previous poster said, I drive it usually with a pair of socks on and years ago after having my foot slip off the gas pedal so many times, I took stick on velcro (loop side) and applied it so that there was some texture. If you put my right and left shoes together and overlayed them on the gas, brake, and clutch pedals they would extend a couple of inches from the center console to well left of the clutch. I'd have to cut my feet in half lengthwise to have narrow enough feet to drive with shoes on. Over the last maybe 7 years or so, I've shrunk in height about 4" from nearly 6'-3" to a tad under 6' so that I finally "grew' into my car by shrinking as I got older. I have often wished that my feet would follow suit.
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