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Glass/Ceramic FUSES

Okay now,

Since finding the Buss glass GBC fuses were discontinued and now only ceramic ones seem to be easily found, I've learned that at least the newer ceramics are no longer being made with the aluminum fusible link but are now made with a brass/copper link. Much less prone to the corrosion issues previously known.

On the issue of the glass GBC fuses, I raided the local 'old time' hardware store in north Fresno today, and walked out leaving a couple of very confused countermen wondering who the hell would buy $100 worth of old fuses ;-)

I suspect if you do the same in your home town, you may have similar luck.

I'm keeping the 13 8 amps I bought, but if you want some 15 or 25 amp glass GBC fuses, let me know. Packs of 5 for $7.50. Shipping free, guaranteed to arrive intact. First come, first served ;-)

By the way, I am using 25's in 2511 instead of the stock 30's, and have no issues. YMMV.


fresnofinches (@ -with no spaces)
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