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good flowing air cleaner

Hi everyone,

first: yes, I found a view threads regarding air cleaner but nothing which helped me in my decision,


My pantera has a cleveland in it with the Blue Thunder Intake and 750 Holley on top.

With a 1/4 spacer between intake and carb and a 1 inch dropped air cleaner (standard 14 inch diameter) the hood is very close and has contact when the engine moves while driving. Engine mounts are 3 years old and should be good.

So i changed it to a 1 1/4 inch dropped base plate and it worked out fine, no more contact.

But after some spirited driving, I realized that the engine didn't pull above 4400 rpm. After some troubleshooting with an AFR gauge and rejetting the carb which made it leaner but it didn't run better, I finally realized that the engine is choked down by the little space between the lid of the air cleaner and the top of the carb.

I want to keep the little spacer between carb and intake so now I am looking for a suitable air cleaner. I found the Holley dog bone cleaner but don't like its look and the prize.

Are there any good flowing solutions other than the dog bone?

Last edited by GeorgS
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