It isn't just the air cleaner, it is the intake manifold as well, but the criteria given as I understand it is for a street car and to fit under the screen?
A tunnel ram with unlimited space over the carbs and open velocity stacks is the least restrictive.
You could lower the engine like the Cobra Daytonna Coupes did as well?
There is compromise with everything. For the specific application you need to determine the best combination of compromises.
The Blue Thunder copy of the Shelby intake manifold is not the best intake selection available.
The question has come up multiple times about how much clearance is needed above the carb for minimal air flow restriction.
I did a lot of experimentation with the Weber 48ida "eight stack" system. The number there that comes up which seems to be readily accepted is a number equal to or similar to the od of the velocity stack. So that number is 2" to 2.25" of clearance over the top of the carb.
In the case of the L-88 air cleaner, that is what you wind up with in the stock configuration. The clearance is right on that number since if you look at the detail, the top tappers up like the "Big Top" of a Circus tent.
It is "old school" but the design works.