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Reply to "good flowing air cleaner"

@GeorgS posted:

Thank you for  your insights Doug.

My Pantera is a narrow body without any attempts to get it to a Group 3, 4 or anything like that. But you are right, I know several Panteras here in Germany that are all widebodies, with racing seats and uncomfortable suspension. One of these is the only other Pantera I ever drove, it has a stockish 351C with closed chamber heads, a Torker and a 750 Holley double pumper and I wasn't impressed at all. I understand that with enough duration and overlap with a mechanical cam, you need a mechanical carb, if it is a Holley Double Pumper or a Weber 8 Stack, but my relatively mild engine doesn't need that.

Where I disagree is the Intake. Personally I don't like the Torker, the modern single planes like the CHI make the turn towards the heads early to let the mixture go straight towards the inlet on all 8 cylinders, while the older intakes like the Torker have 4 cylinders that go straight and 4 that have a turn directly in front of the head.

I am surprised that other don't have the same problems with the air cleaner assemblies.

I haven't tried any of the new tech inductions such as the CHI. Who am I to question their tech and efforts?

I can only share what I did and much of that is now ancient technology.

Many here have or are using the Blue Thunder. I haven't but I used the Shelby version that theoretically the Blue Thunder derives from?

My experiences are delineated in my previous posts. No need to repeat that.

There have been a few mostly racing Panteras that have used the Bat Ear scoops and ducted the air cleaner to them.

Apparently that works but takes up a lot of room in the engine compartment and blocks your rear vision.

Others have mentioned ducting to the bottom of the car as workable.

I have a pair of "clear molded plexiglass" Bat Ear scoops that you can see through. Exactly how much cool air, if any, they are supplying is anyone's guess but they look cool and you can see through them and they don't block the rear vision.

Actually I am still waiting for them to blow off? I'm not going fast enough for that yet.

I remember Gary Hall's blowing off of his race car. You can't just hang'em on the window gaskets. You need to fasten them into the sheet metal!

Necessity is the Mother of invention. Go for it. You don't need anyone's approval here for your solution. Solving the problem well is an awfully fun project.

Last edited by panteradoug