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Reply to "Goose 8MA642 Refurb and Repaint"

FWIW, I tried everything to remove the tie rod from one of my spindles and eventually gave up using the normal processes--puller, PB Blaster, heat, BIG hammer, more heat, combination of all the above, etc. So, I cut off the tie rod (that metal is HARD) close to the spindle and started drilling and grinding as centered and as carefully as I could, using only the hand tools I had available. I worked on it a little at a time that winter until there was only a thin layer of tie rod left that I could finally remove. You can see the galling that took place before my time and probably kept the tie rod from being easily removed, I'm guessing. I don't think those hammer marks are mine, but they could be. It's been a while...

Tie Rod Removal 1Galling Tie Rod Removal


Images (2)
  • Tie Rod Removal 1
  • Galling Tie Rod Removal