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Reply to "Goose 8MA642 Refurb and Repaint"

WOW!!!  There is nothing on this car that should be "that tight" except for a big nut or two inside of the ZF!!!  That's some serious metal bonding!   I think the thing to do is hit anything you are looking at taking apart, and hitting it with PB Blaster a few times and work on something else for a week!!!

That upper a-arm nut is tricky.   Isn't that where the long shaft goes from side to side?  ....or am I thinking rear upright....... Are there holes in foot wells????   CRS today....been working on insulating shop and it's 80 degrees+ up there....can you say sweatball!!!?

I have very few pictures of this stuff to share....pre-digital camera for me! ...still trying to develop the practice of taking pictures with my iCamera......!  Crazy!

One bolt at a time!!!
