Thanx...searched the forum and found these various numbers for the wheel bearing job so they are all in one place:
front wheel bearings Timken LM67048, LM67010, LM11949, LM11910
Front seals 4117608 (??? how many)
Front nuts 14044871 (right front), 14044171 (left front)
Since I haven't gotten the hub off yet, not sure just how the bearings and seals (or how many seals there are) are arranged in Hub. Was able to get three of four of the hub bolts out, with one being stubborn, and am soaking the last bolt longer in kroil oil. Lot of rust on those bolts, glad they didn't snap off. Was able to create a solid base to brace hub by putting for nuts on the lug bolts, turning the hub upside down in a vice tightened to the 4 nuts on the lug bolts, and then unbolted the bolts holding the hub.