That rear (inner) race looks really nice as does the outer one! I don't think I would mess with trying to take them out! You risk damaging the hub.
I don't recall what I had to do to take out the spacer. It isn't much of a piece and it may have simply come out with the race when I pushed it out.
You mention you mean seals? (I don't recall an o-ring....but I'm old and it is excusable to do so!)
Since you have the seals (?) put the new ones in....with a little grease on the lip. Pack some extra grease in the middle of the hub but do not pack it fulllllll! It needs room to expand a little. It will level out.
I can't tell real good about that outer race from the pic, but it looks like no boogers and an even contact pattern consistent with the portion that doesn't come in contact with the bearings.....not a lot of mileage on them!
In my case, the synthetic wheel grease that I used failed I only go with the Molybdenum filled "Ford wheel bearing grease" from o'Reilly's for all of my wheel bearings. I know that there are some synthetics that are really really good.....I just haven't come across them yet....