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grass roots movement for a new cast iron cleveland block

Funny this should happen now, while we are discussing this same situation on the DTBB, Joe on the Cleveland Forum is trying to get enough people interested, enough momentum to start a movement that will interest a manufacturer to build a new Cleveland block in iron. Here is his post:

now let's get serious boys ! we want a siamese bore , full web , iron CLEVELAND block with windsor oiling ,do we not ???

Does anybody have a blueprint for a cleveland block ? ANY cleveland block ?

Ed Lyons is gone from frpp and I doubt anybody left their gives a **** so we'll have to do our business elsewhere , if it gets done at all.

There is a foundry near to me that is capable of doing pieces as large as a cylinder block . It would probably cost something like 30-50,000 in seed money to get tooling built up to make the molds , unless we have some input from pattern makers , cad designers , and more .

Shall we try too start filling in the blanks ?

This discussion will be carried on on the net 54 forum mentioned above as well.

If you have an interest in a new, heavy duty, cast iron, Cleveland block, please join in and support this effort.

This info has been posted on other forums on the internet, such as the Mustang and More Forum, if enough people shout, some manufacturer will see dollar signs! Especially if Pantera Owners join in, everybody thinks we're all rich.

thanks, George
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