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Reply to "Hand Cleaners"

So what products work for you?

I also vote for the pumice Fast Orange.

And yes, they still make Lava. And in a liquid, pump style, too. I see it locally at OSH hardware stores.

BUT, the best method is a good pair of gloves, like the overpriced Mechanics style. They have knock offs now at the stores. And they cut down on the number of Band Aids I need to use, too. Wink

Also, I found out a couple years ago that the latex gloves really do a pretty good job of holding up. Summertime they turn your hands all wrinkly and the sweat will literally drip out of the gloves, but they do a great job of keeping things clean.


P.S. - The photo was taken during the singing of the National Anthem, not the Pledge of Allegiance. Next time you are at a ball game, look around and see if folks cover their hearts during that song. Some do, some don't. Of about 90 people visible in this photo about 30 have covered their hearts. Does that mean 2/3 of them are not good, proud Americans? Or does it just mean they didn't cover their hearts? Did they pay their taxes, did they register and vote? Which ones? To judge any man on one photograph is absurd.


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