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High-Ho Silver Away

The Lone Ranger had been captured by a band of Indians. The Chief told him he has three days to live, and he will have three wishes granted. One for each day he had left to live.
On the first day the Chief asks the Lone Ranger what his first wish was going to be? The Lone Ranger said his wish is to talk to his horse Silver. The Chief agreed. When the Chief had Silver brought to the Lone Ranger, he walked over and whispered in Silver's ear. Silver takes off running and goes over the horizon. Near the end of the day Silver returns to the Indians camp with a beautiful blonde on his back.
The Chief grunts in amazment of this deed, the blonde and the Lone Ranger go into his tippee and are not seen for the rest of the day and night.
On the second morning the Chief asks the Lone Ranger what his wish is for the day, since it was his next to last day to live. Again the Lone Ranger asks to speak with his horse Silver. The Lone Ranger again whispers into Silvers ear and he runs off, over the horizon out of sight.
Later that day Silver returns with a gorgeous brunette. This time the Chief is totally impressed by these feats. The brunette gets off of Silver and retires with the Lone Ranger into his tippee and is not seen for the rest of the day.
On the third day the Chief who is so impressed with the Lone Ranger and Silver goes and asks him for his third and final wish, since this is the Lone Rangers last day to live the Chief eagerly awaits to hear the Lone Rangers request.
The Lone Ranger again tells the Chief he wants to speak with his horse.
The Chief has Silver brought to the Lone Ranger.
The Lone Ranger goes to Silver and whispers in his ear. Now listen you stupid horse I said go get a posse.
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