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Reply to "'House of Cards'..Only Honest people abide"

Maybe the media will turn around and be the voice of good and right that they should be.

The media is no longer a base of people. The media is a base of corporations. Contrary to what the American Right would have us believe, the media is neither left nor right leaning. It is mainly corporation-leaning. Sure, there are little tidbits that are thrown to both sides to let us think THAT news outlet is on OUR side, but in truth they are just talking heads. The status quo of this nation's law's is geared to corporations and keeping them safe; NOT to help the average man. Corporate news is part of the problem and by its makeup, cannot really be the source for change. There ARE balanced news sources, left and right, out there. Somewhere between those left/right news views is the truth. But too few and too small to be effective.
This power base is one of the prime reasons for term limits in Congress.

Term limits is perhaps the best trick that has been played on American voters in all of history. The power is not in individuals who happen to get elected. Mandating that the name of the person in office changes every 4-6-12 years does nothing in changing the balance of the system. The power is in the system: lobbyists that have no term limits, gerrymandering (BOTH sides of the aisle) that effectively locks election districts into foregone results, and the good-ole-boy network of consultants and corporation boards, who are often/mostly comprised of formerly elected officials.

The American People's fight is NOT with each other, whether Left or Right, it is with the system.

But the system has done such a great job of polarizing us that they have made us think the enemy is the left/right. And that leaves THEM free to continue the pillage of this country's people, morals, natural resources, and future.

And yes, this is true worldwide, but we are discussing OUR system in this thread. Same problem everywhere, really.