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How does 600 HP feel?

As some may know I bought Terry Morofsky's Pantera with a 600HP MME 408 Cleveland. I'm not sure all 600 were there when I got it, but after adjusting everything, I think they are.

So how is it having so much power in a Pantera? I'm rarely at the track, so it's mostly used to embarrass other enthusiasts, I'm sure we all agree that that in it self is a valid reason for having that engine. When driving for fun in Denmark, I often do the 80->160km/h in 2nd and 3rd. Great fun, very quick, the country roads get very narrow very soon. But I haven't really been above 160km/h yet. I've been on German highways once in it, but I also had my speed limiter with me (she answers to the name of Helen), so we cruised at 130, never above 150.

Until today. On the way to Spa, alone in the car. Found a nice cruising speed of 150-160km/h, at a whopping 4000 rpm. This car could do with a higher gearing. Then I saw a straight road in front of me w/o traffic. I floored it in 5th, and it jumped forward like a bird suddenly released from its cage, as they say. What power! After a few seconds I glanced at the GPS to see if I was at 180 or 190. But it was quickly counting upwards and passed 207.
burn rubber

This engine has massive power in all gears, above 3000 rpm. IMHO, with the right gearing, it would do 300km/h...

Anybody agree/disagree? How many have been above 300km/h in their Pantera, and with what gearing?

Then the rain set in... Red Face
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