Start with your plugs. Pull them to see what color the tips are: tan, black, oils or fuel soaked. There are sites that can help match the color of the plugs to a healthy engine. This helps narrow down the problems.
Next, try a compression test to make sure everything is sealing. Leak down test would be better but more expensive. If your rings or valve seats are shot, no carb tuning would help.
Look for any vacumn line leaks. Spray vac lines with carb cleaner or penetrating oil with the engine running, if the engine increases RPM you have a leak. Do not forget the massive vac line that runs from the engine to the brake booster up front in the trunk (boot).
If those check out, then comes the fun of carb tuning. Get a good holley book and try jet and vac value combo's. A few jet sizes can make a real difference in both performance and ecomony.
This is all trial and error stuff, so perhaps you can tap a friend who knows these things to speed up progress.
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