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Reply to "how much [power can I get out of my stock cleveland>"

That one is gone, I upgraded

The only additional component to add to what I stated was a Compcams, solid lifter cam. I don't run hydraulic lifters.

Since then I went to more cam, 180° headers with 2" primaries, Ford A3 heads, 50 mm EFI throttle bodies on a Weber intake. FAST CPU.

This cam:

Plus for both the typical stuff like roller rocker arms, Ford Motorsport solid state distributor. Pantera-electronics Engine Ignition Controller.

Aviaid 10 qt oil pan with separate oil cooler. Probably some other components I forgot to mention, but I am watching the Eagles/Rams so not even working on half a brain as usual...less.

This engine in the 650 range but don't know for sure but it is...peppy!

The iron one above is good too but much more affordable

You want the top one with the iron heads. It can be made to look stock-sish. The double pumper is a little heavy at idle but not as bad as the Webers at idle and you are killing the people behind you so who cares? You don't hear anything in the cabin and can play the Spice Girls on your stereo and hear the harmony.

You probably will need bigger brakes though? Yes, definitely bigger brakes.

Last edited by panteradoug