The middle rack is the Pantera rack and the black rack is an MGB rack.
I chose it for a couple reasons. First many have said that many racks are overkill for the Pantera. Since this is for a smaller car I figured why not.
As luck would have it the ratios are very very close to the Pantera with another 1/2" travel.
It will require modification. I am not sure how well it would do withought getting into it as deep as I am. It will mount better from the frame rails then the power steering box. None of this is a problem for me as I am basically starting from scratch in some ways.
I can see where people would drop in racks and not be happy with them. There are many critical components. This rack is 3" too short so it will have to be lengthened. BUT...The Pantera geopmetry is not ideal either as the pivot points in the rack are not inline with the pivot points in the suspension. In fact I think the traditional bump steer fix; albeit the best solution for the car, actually creates other problems.
It is a little more then I can explain here but if I get all the geometry the way I want it I hope to have a totally different animal. If not, I will have gained some knowledge!
Sufice to say there is nothing simple about it.