I would recommend this one.
That is just the cam. They offer it with a complete matched kit of cam, lifters and springs also.
Other then it sounds like a marching band at idle, the only negative that I see with it is the 110° centerline. That is basically an issue with the iron heads because of the restriction in the exhaust ports very similar to what the FE series is limited by and struggle with.
It won't cost you any power as a result, it just won't maximize the exhaust gain that you would get with a better exhaust port like on the Motorsport aluminum head series.
I'm using this cam along with the first head in that series, the A3. Those have 60cc chambers and the largest intake ports of the series but have a raised exhaust port. That change is good for around 25-30 hp over the iron heads.
I'm running the combination with 180° 2" primary headers. So there is much less restriction in my set up. A 110° centerline makes sense there.
The most popular head in that series seems to be the C302B head but if you look at a set of those that has been raced prepared, the intake ports have been opened up to the point of closely resembling the stock as cast A3 intake ports.
That series of heads is where all of a sudden you go from a 500hp engine to something like 700-750hp.
What you do to match the induction is significant with that as well. I went to an 8 stack Weber system, then switched over to an 8 stack EFI to clean up the heavy Weber idle.
The combination does change the character of the car from a "gentleman's GT" into something more closely resembling a GT40. It all depends on your "tastes" I suppose? Personally, I don't have issue with it.
Others seem to though. It's just too nasty for them. To each his own?
I do not know where the upper rpm limit is going to be with the springs in that kit but it would tend to answer the criteria that you posted. I would inquire with Compcams about the rpm's with it? You may have better springs then those in the kit already installed in your heads?