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Reply to "If things go smoothly, Snow White will have a new home in Malaysia"

I'm getting leery about this sale too.

So far I've asked for him to call, or give me his phone number, no answer.

I've asked for his shipping company so I can check (for both our sake's) on the comapny, he hasn't replied.

After giving him the info, he then asked me to send the same info to his banker (the bank DOES exist, I checked) but I don't know why he couldn't have just forwarded the info himself.

He's 15 hours ahead of me, and it's the weekend, so I'm hoping he's just not able to do anything over the weekend, just like I wouldn't here in the US.

I've sent a couple emails asking if he had an idea as to when he might be able to send the transfer, with no reply.

I'm going to wait til Monday, probably noon, and then get aggressive with my emails saying shit, or get off the pot.

If I smell a scam, then I'll have to go through changing my account numbers and notify the bank to refuse any transactions unless personally authorized by me, it'll be a hassle, and a waste of time, and a big let-down for me.

I'm staying positive though, Monday Noon and he'll start getting emails like "I have provided you with the information necessary for the wire transaction we have agreed upon. Please send the wire transfer as we discussed. If I don't hear back from you in 24 hours, I'm going to think you are possibaly a scam, because you have not responded to any of my emails for 3 days now,you haven't called me as I asked you to do, and haven't given me your shipper, so I can check out that company, so I'm left wondering if you are serious, or just wanted my bank information for a scam. Please respond as quickly as possible, enough time has passed, you said you wanted the car and needed the info "really fast", yet now you've gone dark on me, so I have to make a conclusion".

I'm fine, the account has $25 in it, so no big deal there if he cleans that account out (if it's a scam) and I have the car and title.

Neither the car or title is leaving my garage until the transfer has happened, and then cleared fully, then I'll probably move the money to another different account, or cash it directly. Once I have the money, it's on him, I'll give him my address and tell him to get his car out of my garage! lol

Believe me though, the money will be secured, and positively MINE, irrevocable, THEN I'll give him the car and title, not before, no way, no how.

I'm giving him the weekend, I think it's safe to assume he can't do banking on weekends, just like I can't here (that's an assumption), but after monday afternoon, I'll get more aggressive, and then squash the whole thing if I smell a fish.