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Reply to "If things go smoothly, Snow White will have a new home in Malaysia"

Hey Mike, I think you've done all you can do. You did exactly what most - or at least I - would've done if a buyer with supposedly cash-in-hand appeared: try to work it out.

(Couple years ago I sold my ancient Land Cruiser to Costa Rica and 512TR to Philippines and was on red alert most of the time, for the same reasons you were.)

Likely no harm done to your account, but if it freaks you out or if the bank says change the #s, then do so. You've not complained or been whiney in the least as far as I've seen about this. You're just an eager seller with a good car looking for a buyer.

Far as Mr. Malaysia is concerned, 'block' his email and cell from contacting you. Zero response, though I'd be tempted to say you'd wired the money 3 days ago and respond in shock and horror that his account must've been hacked and you're happy to alert the FBI on his behalf.

More sensibly, the fewer brain cells you expend for him the more you save for something positive. Good riddance.

So, get your marketing muscle flexed, price the car aggressively, go nuts on the exposure (AT, HMN, SCM, this forum, the 'other' forum, CraigsList, other) and just start weeding people out.

You'll be fine. Who knows, you might want to offer a 'For Trade' in an Aero publication/forum for your dream Piper. Weirder things have happened.

Best wishes you to you.