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Import Duty into Canada...

Just wanted to let anyone who has paid duty when importing a Pantera (25 years or more old) into Canada that after much digging and web-searching, I finally gave up and just called the nice people at Canada Customs and ASKED what the duty rate was on an antique car made in Italy. I was told there was NO DUTY if the car was 25 years old, regardless of where it was made.

Today, when bringing in my Mangusta, I was told I would pay 6.1% duty on it. I had to convince 3 border officials that there was no duty owed and they then called for verification and found I was right. Nice to know that they were more than happy to charge me a huge whack of money ILLEGALLY!

To make up for it they spent an hour trying to verify that I was telling the truth about the price I paid (I was).

My suggestion to any of you who did pay when importing a car is to file a request for repayment with them. I don't know the process, but there is one, for sure and you should get a refund.

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