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Reply to "Incandescent Bulb Ban - Jan 1, 2014"

The incandescent were made to fail. When one failed I always replaces with HF rough service bulb. I have not had a HF rough service bulb go out ever. I stocked up on them and have tubs of them.

All bulbs have advantages and short comings. Problem I have is not having the freedom to make our own choice. I chose different bulbs for different situations for different reasons.

I think the argument of which is better is different then the argument of freedom to do even the most simple thing.

right now we don't know what a real price of a CFL because of the government subsidies. When we no longer have a choice and these government subsidies are gone, I think the price will be far higher.

The issues of cost to make, cost to use, cost of disposal, where the jobs are etc. are all better when done with freedom then when done from the strong arm of the government.

Like I said before, soda is the product of energy. In fact our entire economy is a product of energy and so is the energy produced by a light bulb. If I can't read a book by a 60w incandescent light bulb then this is not the country it used to be.

While it is not the same for government reasons moving form paper towel to the blow driers is a similar annoyance. First, the energy to make and dispose of paper towel is less then what the blowers use in electricity. Second, the new high powered blowers actually are loud enough to damage hearing.

I read a survey not too long ago and well over half the people in this country do not understand trees are farmed like corn and think they are an endangered resource. That is our school system for you.

Third, even with high powered blowers I have yet to walk out of a bathroom with completely dry hands. So what happens? The guy before you isn't going to mess with washing his hands and grabs the door. You dry your hands but they are still a little damp. NOTHING worse in transmitting germs then wet or damp hands!

Not to mention, when a place uses paper towel, how many people grab the door with the paper towel? Often a place will put a trash can by the door so you can do so.

Which also begs the question, why don't bathroom doors open out?

Hand driers are the most effective at spreading germs. If there are 2 similar stores, one has a hand drier and one uses paper towel, I will not frequent the one with the hand drier.

It's all about hype and a bandwagon. It's all for the same reason that the news is breaking into your prime time show to show you street level mapping of rain for 10 minutes as if it has never rained before.