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internet listings -safe?

Good evening

This is my first post and would like your feedback. I have been on and off looking to buy a Pantera. Lately, I have found some listings that really sound to be too good to be true. The last three listings I contacted the "owner", I got feedback fairly quickly, but all came back with a similar type of story: The owner of the car is no longer in the US and needs to sell the car. One car was in Europe (provided IDs, pictures etc), but could ship to near me so I can review at no charge; another I could come by to look at the card, and the last one he would have the ship to me from the west coast, I would pay the haulage company, which would pay him and he states I have 7 days to return the car. I am not much of a gambler, but how many of you have actually gone thru a similar experience or does this sound like a total rip off?

Thank you

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