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Reply to "IR injection maintenance"

I can't answer about the cable function because I simply would never engineer one like that.

I would use a bell crank.

I do think that it is highly likely that is where you binding takes place.

Just pull the fuel rails appart and change the o rings. That's all that is in there. Nothing fancy.

You have to be running around 40 psi for fuel injection, so even just a drip isn't going to remain a drip for long.

I have flooded the intake manifold with fuel ON A HOT ENGINE! I saw my entire life pass me in just a micro instant.

The fumes took at least 100 points off of my IQ permanently. Now I am left with less than 1/2 of a brain, which I am sure surprises no one?

You DO NOT WANT TO EXPERIENCE that. It is at least 10 years off of your life.