=> Date: Saturday, March 5
=> Arrive: Between 6-6:15 AM but no later than 6:30 AM
=> Address: 7905 Gateway, Irvine (next to Mazda building in the north parking lot of Ford's former west coast HQ)
=> Parking: You have the option of pulling into your parking space nose-in or nose-out. I imagine those with detailed engine bays will want to park their car nose-in. It is customary for show cars to park nose-out.
=> Bring at least one unwrapped toy (no stuffed animals) valued at $10
Note: You are welcome to donate as many toys as you like
=> Following the show at around 9:30 AM or so, anyone interested can join those going for breakfast to Pacific Whey Cafe located in the Crystal Cove Promenade, sight of the former C&C venue. This will be a short (12 mile) but fun road trip heading west on Laguna Canyon Drive (route 133) and then north on PCH for 3 miles to the Crystal Cove shopping center.
Note: Sunrise on March 5 will be 6:17 AM
Here is a street map of where the show lot is located

The corral is located ON THE RIGHT as you enter the driveway into the parking lot from Gateway. The driveway to the show lot is located between the Mazda building and the former Ford HQ building. Pantera signs, courtesy of Ford, will be posted to identify the corral area. For spectators, C&C officially runs from 7-9 AM. However, many get there before sunrise. Those bringing a show car typically arrive well before 7 AM to ensure a parking spot and to get one they like. In order to be ready for the public and to allow time to park your Pantera, please arrive before 6:30 and preferably between 6-6:15.
I am asking those bringing their Panteras to donate one toy in support of our Toys-4-Tots donation drive. See the note above for toy donation guidelines. Within the next week or so I will be sending an email to each participant to confirm attendance and help coordinate those interested in caravanning with others. Please contact me for any questions you may have. See you there!
Steve VamVaketis