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Jacksonville, FL Tech Session Jan. 20!

Get out your calenders and make plans..... A tech session here in
Jacksonville, FL!

Email me at for a detailed sheet with directions, topics to be
covered, and experts that will be on hand.

The attachment will be in word format. If you are not able to see it or have
trouble opening it let me know and I can fax it to you.

What better way to get your baby out, do a little drive and catch up with
old and new friends while driving the interest and updating your car!...
The evening that day has the North Florida Coast Car Council and their
cruise in (over 150 cars typically) and what a showing the panteras will
have with everyone coming!

Read over the attachment when you get it and be sure to RSVP me by email so I can keep the
update current. It is a value packed event to take away tons of info, a
place where you can sell some of those parts you may be looking to get rid
of, introduce perspective new buyers to the wonders of the pantera and check
out the site of the 2005 Super Bowl!!!!!

Make plans and eliminate the excuses!

Dave #5405
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