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Jehle Super Pantera

I am starting this thread as a place to gather information on the Jehle Super Pantera and Longhcamp.  

Xavier Jehle of Lichtenstein modified at least several Panteras and Longchamps in the 1980s. From the photos I have been able to collect, there were at least two red Panteras, and one each in blue, white and black. The base car for one of the red ones was a two pod dash car (license plate SG 4272, VIN 4944, owned by Christian Krucker of Switzerland), and the blue one has a narrow license plate opening, so both are from the Ford era. As for the rest, I cannot tell whether they started life as early cars or as a later GT5.

From what I can tell using my broken high school German, Jehle advertised the cars as coming with either a 5.6 litre, 7.5 litre aluminum block, or a 6.5 litre V-12 with a claimed 1000 hp.

If anyone has any more information on Jehle, these cars, their VINs and where they are now, please share.


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