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Reply to "Jtaphorn Cooling system modification"

My observation and opinions are the same as George's above post.

However I see one other MAJOR concern that is actually an accumulation of the above points and is mitigated by the proposed improvements. For there to be flow, there MUST be a pressure gradient. As George stated, a “normal” car coolant system does not require a lot of pressure to achieve flow, but with the Pantera’s distances a pump that can develop pressure is needed. I have yet to find online anyone that has ever determined the pressure/flow for a Pantera. I have seen other similar vehicle discussions where 15 PSID is mentioned. Now, with the Pantera’s coolant pressure cap on the swirl tank, inlet to the radiator, this SETS the maximum pressure gradiant for flow. The pump suction at the impeller being the lowest pressure in the system can be expected to be LESS than normal atmospheric AND this would cause warm coolant to flash to steam very much below the 212F associated with boiling. This being called cavitations and causing the pump to no longer develop any pressure as steam cannot be pumped. It doesn’t need to be 100% cavitations, but a very small % will greatly reduce the pumps output