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Learning from PI

Just got my latest PI Mag. Awesome. Sure nice seeing Kevin, Bill and others get their 15 minutes of fame. Actually guys, these issues last a lifetime so your fame is forever.

Super Silver Bullet!! I never considered any colour other than white, but you never know.

And of course I learned something new. Like I do from every issue. I was glacing through Jack De Ryke's maintenance overview. Yadda yadda figuring I've done all that a hundred times. Then I came across his description how loose halfshaft bolts can cause a vibration under hard acceleration. Well, that's what I been dealing with and worrying about for a month or more. I though it was a lot more serious and was ready to pull them out and check the balance. But after reading this I ran down to the garage and sure enough 5 out of 8 bolts were loose a good 1/4 turn or more. I just came back from winding it out where possible and sure enough, no more vibration.

I love this PI community. Thanks Jack.
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