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Reply to "legal to pass"

Originally posted by jwr2968:
I am assuming the the club guy swerved right to avoid any accident.The guy behind the club guy hit the first guy,It's the last guys fault.

If there are 2 cars and the 2nd one rear ends some one it is his fault for following too close.

If there are 3 cars and the 2nd car slams on the brakes, car number 3 slams car number 2 and car number 2 slams car number one then the middle guy is the one that is usually cited for creating the situation. If there are 3 cars and the middle guy does not keeps his distance and has to run off the road or out of his lane he will be subject to citation. If the 3rd guy hit's the first guy, then the middle guy could actually be blamed for the accident but that falls under interprtation of judge and lawyer.
