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Reply to "letter from "the boss""

This argument is a no win issue, bound to piss off one half of the people every time. But still good points on both sides.

He's a pompous ass for talking down to his employees. He does not appreciate their work as much as his own.

But his complaint about small business risk takers getting the shaft, while the crooks get the bailout, has merit. It's not about management vs labor, it's about fair reward.

The government is my 50% partner - but only on the profit side. Losses are all mine. And if I want a bailout, or a loan from a bank, I have to put up 150% of what I want from them. Really makes a lot of sense.

Is there a better system somewhere else? I doubt it. But it still is far from fair and could be improved with better control of OUR money. After all, when government spends money, where do you think they get it? From you and me.

Maybe they should listen to us before they spend it. Because a lot of their decisions are downright stupid. And based on their record, they should not be in business.

Maybe government should work on commission - the better they do, the more they get.