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Reply to "LOUVERS"

...Using a 'Transfer Punch', 1/4" Clearance hole. Starting at the First Louver and transferring to the next size up...'A' was the first and Only one Measured, then transferred to B, B to C, C to D...on up to the Last Slat, G. One is Laid over the Next Largest, Centered Perfectly and Aligned Parallele, Exact! Then the Bores Positions are Transferred.

What this does is: Guarantees! Proper orientation, All Slats to Align Perfectly upon mounting. Eliminates any chance of Error with Additional Measurements. All Drilled Holes Exactlyaln aaln b Positioned the Same! With the top slat lowered, you can see the Punch Mark on the Next Slat. Then I give it a Heavier/Deeper Blow with a 'Center Punch' and drill it 1/4". Last, 'That' Louver is Transferred to the Next, and up to 'G'.


Images (2)
  • aln a
  • aln b