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Reply to "LOUVERS"

...28 Flathead Stainless Screws will also be painted Gloss Black to Match. They will be All But Invisible.

A short description of the Engineering of the Screw Hole Placements.

You will notice each louver has 4 Machine screws. These are Centered on the Slat, at 20.0" Between Centers, ALL Louvers**. 2 screws are 0.750" from the Front Edge. These will mount the Slat in Full Contact with the Support Beam, and will act as a 'Slight Pivot' to the Mounted Angle of each Louver. The other 2 Screws are Mounted Exact ln the Center of the Louver, 3.0" from front and rear, edges. Both of these Screws will also, action as a Pivot, to a Degree. With a Selected Spacer/Shim, under, they can Be Aimed Precisely. I have Machine Screws of 4 Differing Lengths, to act with each Shim and Not Bottom within the Blind Holes. The Nature of the 'Counter-Sunk' screw Head. allows for this slight movement. And being Straight Vertical, mates Perfectly with the Leveled Slats.

The Support Beams are drilled, all 28 bores, 'Straight Down' Vertical and 'Blind'* regardless of the Beam Curvature. And with the Most Frontal position, (of the First Louver) on the Beam, held perfectly Level to the Machine Table, throughout the Entire 28 Operations.

With the Slight degree of 'Pivot', the Louver can be 'Aimed' with a 'Lazer-Leveler-Inclonometer'...presumably at the Rearview Mirror, and/or absolutely LEVEL to the Pantera.

* Blind holes! As I did not want to see the Exit Bores of the Screws, in the Rearview Mirror...Forever! This makes the Drilling/Tapping Operations, Infinitely More Difficult! A 'Thread Forming' Tap (Not a 'Cutting' Tap) is used for this Soft Material, because It Does Not Produce Chips that will Tear-up the Threads. The Beam is 0.500" High. The Blind Holes are Drilled to a Depth of 0.4601". It is Not My idea to be Accurate to the 4th Place. It is Automatically in the Programming of the 'Tormach 770'. 0.4601" just enough Threading to hold a 1/4-20 Machine Screw, Secure. With a Theoretical 'Bottom Cloiser' of 0.0399" thick! In the Final assembly 'Lock-Tite' BLUE will be used.

** This is why it was Paramount that they Be Absolute, one behind the Other in Exact Alignment!!

Last edited by marlinjack