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Reply to "LOUVERS"

...I needed a section of '90 Degree Angle' in Stainless Steel, to machine the Mounting brackets for each support beam at the mounting plate, to the Hinge Pins. A single length of stainless Angle Stock is too expensive, so I started with these already bent brackets in 1/4" thick stainless steel, 2" Squares. Non-Magnetic. After an hour-plus with a Hack-Saw and a Little Cutting on the CNC Mill, I produced this 'One' Bracket, due to be Polished! This Steel is Super Hard! Wore-Out the Saw Blades. The Hinge Pin slides through the single hole on Tab (Red Dot), as a Pivot. The Other Side Bolts to the Under-Side of the Plate with (2) Bolts...Hidden (2 Red Dots)

I'm not the best Painter, but I did My best. There may be room for a Re-Painting, waxing, buffing.

After De-Burring, the Slats were cleaned with Acetone, Gray primered on Both sides and 4 Edges, then Painted Flat Black on the Backsides, with the Exposed TOP-Side and Edges, Painted Gloss Black.

Soon, finish the second bracket, complete the paint on the Beams, Mounting Plate and Magnet Mounts...then the 'Fun' Part...Final Assembly with Spacers and Shims! Then Photos.

I will be Machining new Hinge Pins in Stainless Steel. I will Machine a Few For Sale Here, along with a New Stainless Pin for the Front Bonnet Hood Latch. Most All Original Pins are all in Rust.

Last edited by marlinjack