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Reply to "LOUVERS"

...I have been wanting to recommend this Book for some time.

Any of the members reading this whom have picked up a Drill and Other, to perform 'Machining' Work...Can and will benefit from reading this book. Not cover to cover, but just what you're interested in Learning. Even those with 60+ Years of Machine Shop Experience, will find something in this book, they did Not Know!

As far as 'Machining', if it is NOT in this Book, or another Edition...'It' just Does NOT Exist!

I have had this 22nd Edition since July 1986, I have found No need to purchase a Newer Edition, they are up to the 32nd, now $108.00. I paid $27.00 for this one, and Many can be found on Ebay, for even Less.

I strongly suggest you become a New Owner of One!! The Knowledge Gained Here is Engrossing and Festinating. 2512 PAGES.abcdefgh

Good-Luck and Happy Machining!

Enjoy the Reading!


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