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Reply to "Magazine"

Blah, Blah, Blah...

George you are a saint to undertake the BS of "where is the magazine and what have you done for me lately crowd." I enjoy the forum and the resources it provides. For that you win the Oscar.

However as a businessman you have really missed the mark. The reason you are out of your pocket now and will be forever is that you don't collect membership dues. I had asked you when I saw you at the last PIM Holiday party "don't I owe you for last year, this year, etc?" I still owe you and I bet the rest of us do as well. Until you square away the dues, the magazine will never print and you will be PI poor.

If you were to have a magazine I'll pay dues relating to that treat. If this is just a forum I would be happy to contribute some lesser amount as support. While the forum is something I visit every day the magazine is something to keep and review over and over. A "banner" for our marque and club.

Yes Geroge I'm still waiting for my "cover and story" in the mag as promised to me Summer 2007. I'm sure there are many who would also like that privledge and would oblige you with their car as well.

What gives?

Respectfully, Dave