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Reply to "Magnaflow mufflers"

Shah, a written description of a sound is like a written description of a kiss.... not too satisfying. What you need to do is either attend one of the big Pantera events like the Phoenix Fun Rally where virtually none of the cars have the same mufflers, and ask the owner to fire one up. Or find someone on the Web who's in your location and has mufflers you're interested in, call and arrange a meeting.
I like your request. In every single Internet search on Pantera mufflers, the one thing that is never mentioned is the muffler's main function: to MUFFLE industrial-strength explosions of gasoline inches behind your ears to a socially acceptable point. They all concentrate on power loss or gain. A $20 Radio Shack dB meter would help if its data was included in some of the dyno runs, even though dB readings aren't much better at describing a sound to our ears. Flowmasters have 12 DIFFERENT models, you know!