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Midwest (Indiana) event. Come all Panteras

Attention Midwest Pantera Owners. (Especially Indiana)

The Indiana SAAC group is having their 31st annual Spring fling May 16-18. Each year the event is held in Brown County State park about an hour south of Indianapolis. This is a very popular event and draws a couple hundred cars. It is a weekend event and has several activities over the weekend. Participants stay in the park at the Abe Martin Lodge (if you reserve in time). Brown county state park is the closest thing to mountains we can get here in the Midwest. Beautiful tree covered hills. And some great driving fun. Brown County State park is located near Nashville Indiana. Nashville is a bit of a tourist area with tons of unique little shops and restaurants.

Weekend activities include:
Friday has the Pony Trails. A nice drive through Scenic Indiana to some unique destination. The drive through the twisting hilly roads is worth the price of the trip alone. This year the drive is to Salem Indiana with a stop at the Salem Speedway.

Friday night is the welcome reception. This year for preregistered guests they are having a puzzle game. You have to find 7 other people to complete a puzzle with pieces you get in your welcome pack. Once complete, you are registered to win a special door prize. It is a great way to get to know people. In the past they have had trading card swaps where you received a hand full of the same trading card and had to find others to trade with to get the whole set. There is also a poker event. You get a card for each event you register for. On Saturday night, you get a common card. The person with the best hand receives $200.

Saturday is the car show. You never knew that there were so many Shelbys in Indiana. GT350s, GT500s, Cobras (real and replica), Tigers and tons of other cars. Last year even had 2 new Ford GTs and two Superformance Daytona Replicas! Panteras get their own class and one year we had 12 Panteras and 1 Mangusta.

Saturday night is the banquet. This year is a New York Strip steak dinner for only $19.

Sunday Morning is the Road Rally. It is a total blast. You are given a piece of paper with limerick instructions. You have to use this information to navigate through the countryside and find the answers to questions provided. It is the most fun scenic 2 hour drive you will ever take.

In the last few years, we have not had much participation. Only one or two Panteras. I would like to see a good return of Panteras to the event. The SAAC group really likes the Panteras and enjoys having us there. Lets see just how many we can get this year. It really is an excellent weekend getaway and if you cant take Friday off, then just come for the Saturday show. I hope to see ALL Indianapolis owners there. We have had Pantera owners in the past drive from Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky and Arkansas. Do I here any takers from Georgia, Iowa, Missouri or Minnesota?

Here are some links. Check out the park links for some pictures of the area.

Pictures of the 2006 Saturday show

Brown Country park Tourist Info:

Brown County Park official information. (Check out the Abe Martin Lodge and Cabins):

Tourist Info in the area:

Be sure to register Immediately if you want to stay in the Lodge, the rooms fill up fast. Otherwise, there are some very nice new hotels 3 miles away in Nashville.

Here is the registration form: (be sure to mark Great Lakes Panteras as your club affiliation)

Here are some pics of my car in the park:
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