I would say that I have built my own and used two spines instead of one.
I built it so that it could be disassembled or assembled piece by piece. This also permits the replacement of individual parts if needed in the future.
Although I have not heard stories of failure I was concerned with the strength of the initial design and approached the structure differently. So mine is built somewhat like an airplane wing would be assembled, i.e., once assembled it works as an integral unit.
I like the original design in that it is hinged and can be raised for cleaning of the decklid. I have a '73 which came with the "sugar scoop" deck spoiler. If you retain that, it pretty much eliminates the possibility of hinging the assembly.
So mine has the issue of needing a special cleaning method.
I actually spoke to a couple knowledgeable Pantera people and I mentioned, at the time, that mine was easily a $3,500 item. Both thought that it was not overpriced at that.
I would say that even though a talented mechanic could assemble mine, that the final cost would be closer to $5,000 and he would need the car for more then just a few days.
That and considering the liability possible that this thing could fly off or cause aerodynamic changes to the car at high speed (lift) it is really a bad idea to do one for someone else. Second Amendment people can be very prominent in your face if things go a little wrong? Plus no one is going to guaranty satisfaction.
There were a few of the Mind Train units sold so the best course of action at this point is to keep eyes and ears open for one. Considering that Hall offered just about every part in the Mind Train catalog except the louvres, I wonder exactly why?
I suspect though that if you approached someone like the Ring Brothers, if you flashed enough cash at them, it could be done?
I like the look but then again I like the Lamborghini Miura also but I think that you are kind of on your own with this as a project, unfortunately.