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Thanks for responding Mark. I think we'd all like to hear the whole story, but since we have no standing in the transaction to demand the truth, we could only go with the info we had. Now we have more.
There is a tendency for a person of integrity to not respond to false charges. They feel that their reputation speaks for itself and that someone that would drag them through the mud will probably reveal themselves and their true character to those that they complain to...and that the charges will carry little weight with the listener.
The problem with the internet is that these kind of arguments have a massive reach and can really do damage. MME has been referred to in many posts by many of the participants on this board. I've been to your web site on numerous occasions. Many here feel like they know you even though we have never met. I'm glad to get your side of this story.
It's hard to imagine that DJEZC would go to such lengths to trash you. He has claimed to have contacted your company on numerous occasions and that your company refused to respond in any way. You say he never contacted you about his engine problems at all.
It seems pretty clear that someone is not being truthful.
Are we to understand that that DJEZC's bill is paid in full? If so, are you interested in helping him with his problem? If he never cleared up his bill, then I have sympathy for your position as a business man.
Then again, if DJEZC's engine failed immediately and you refused to help him, I can see how he would withhold payment as his only recourse to encourage you to address his problem. Then I'd have sympathy with his position as a customer.
Is there anything that either of you want to say to clear this up?
Right now, I'm personally ticked off at one of you, just don't know which one.