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Modified Front Upper A-arms

One set of modified front upper a-arms. They have been modified to allow more caster adjustment. I have a set of these on my car and went from 0.9 degrees right and 1.7 degrees left to having 6 degrees caster on both with using a 3/4" shim in the front and using the stock shims to fill in the rest behind the ball joint. However, I would recommend making both 1/2" shims and 1/8" shims and working to achieve about 4.5 degrees caster on both side for best straight line performance and road feel. This one of the best suspension modification you can do your your Pantera to get rid of that "darty" feel at speed. Price is $400.00 for the set plus a $150.00 core deposit which is fully refundable upon return of your old a-arms.

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